Our Principles
- Sustainable tourism can make a valuable contribution to the achievement of the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.
- Support the intent of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO) Global Code of Ethics for Tourism – including maximising the benefits of tourism in promoting sustainable development, poverty alleviation, environmental diversity, tolerance and respect for the diversity of religious, moral and philosophical beliefs within and amongst nations.
- Minimising negative impacts of tourism on environments and cultural heritage.
- Encouraging sustainable growth of tourism enterprises in a destination environment that favours a market economy, private enterprise and free trade for the creation of employment and wealth.
- Visitors enjoying their tourism experience – with an open mind and learning about the legitimate differences between peoples and places.
- Thinking outside-the-box through partnerships with commercial enterprises, consulting associates, research organisations, universities, vocational education & training institutions, student interns, our Future Leaders community, NGOs, development agencies and networks around the world and international media.
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News Categories
- Communiques (34)
- Uncategorised (51)
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International Development Resources
- AID for effectiveness
- Centre for Global Development
- Global Development Commons USAID supported
- Global report on women in tourism
- International Monetary Fund
- Millenium Development Goals in Asia Pacific
- Monitoring & Evaluation of International Development
- Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
- The Global Poverty Project
- The World Bank
- Traveller's Philanthropy
- United Nations Development Program
- World Fair Trade Organisation
Sustainable Tourism Operations
- Asia TransPacific Journeys USA
- Aussie Host (Customer ServiceTraining)
- Binna Burra Mountain Lodge, Lamington National Park, Australia
- Ecolodges Indonesia
- Friends of Levuka Historical & Cultural Society FIJI
- International Park Tours
- One Step Further: II Institute of Excellence (Travel & Tourism Training & Education)
- The Moorings, Port Vila, Vanuatu
- Viengxay Caves Audio Tour, Laos